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We are looking forward to welcoming Year 9 parents/carers and students into school on Thursday @ 6pm to discuss the OPTIONS process and for students to learn more about the brilliant curriculum choices available to them. pic.twitter.com/Uuv8iamFyR

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50 student turnout to our lunchtime session today! So proud of every single one for their motivation to turn up and do well! Year 11s - there is still space if you want to join! pic.twitter.com/43Wppsxd3a

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👀look out for our Quiz night letter👀 pic.twitter.com/sv9RFyysnE

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Year 11 & 13 students and parents were fortunate enough to participate in a 'psychology of learning' workshop, delivered by Dr van der Spoel, to maximise revision ahead of exams. Year 12 students also inspired Year 11s with a brilliant revision strategy market. pic.twitter.com/vMqf5kI45x

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It may be Baltic cold outside, but how beautiful is our school site this morning!? pic.twitter.com/zw5fsQDSQK


A very Merry Christmas from everybody at Epping St. John's 💚🎄🎅 pic.twitter.com/HloCVtKdOJ

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Another fantastic Christmas bazaar in aid of over £760.00 raised by our student leadership team in year 13 and 11. They are just a credit to pic.twitter.com/6S7sketX9B

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A wonderful afternoon celebrating our exceptional students. Lots of proud parents/carers 💚🏆 pic.twitter.com/YPl9tsjUi2

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Amazing musical interlude at our very lovely Awards Afternoon 💚 pic.twitter.com/LQeo3R9RWH

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Sparx Science is now live at ! After just one day.. pic.twitter.com/DbZI6ycWGv

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REMINDER: There is still time to apply for a place at Epping St John's Sixth Form. Begin your path to an exceptional future - https://t.co/JmoVAZEfvX pic.twitter.com/goIh3qsaBP


Applications can now be submitted for Epping St John's School's Sixth Form for next September. More details at https://t.co/91S3QVSkpp


EPPING ST JOHN'S SCHOOL - MEDIA RELEASE: Applications can now be submitted for Epping St John's School's Sixth Form for next September. More details at https://t.co/NErxyTbG1x


Students at Epping St John's School will be taking to the stage for two performances of their winter production. Read more at https://t.co/4Y3acze7TJ

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We are delighted to invite you to the ESJ Winter Show, a re-visitation of the popular brothers Grimm' s fairy tales, "Epping Forest Fables" co-written and directed by our students! Tuesday 17th December 5pm and 7pm showings Tickets on ParentPay pic.twitter.com/w8mVV1cIqD

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"When I left Epping St John's, I enrolled at UCFB Wembley, where I have been studying Football Coaching and Management." Follow in the footsteps of success at Epping St John's Sixth Form Open Evening on Wednesday 20th November, 6:00pm - 8:00pm. pic.twitter.com/wPlt6XDXGI

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"Since [leaving] ESJ, I was lucky enough to get into Arts University Bournemouth to study Visual Effects." Follow in the footsteps of success at Epping St John's Sixth Form Open Evening on Wednesday 20th November, 6:00pm - 8:00pm. pic.twitter.com/xxA0kyMqn6

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"Since [leaving] ESJ, I was lucky enough to get into Arts University Bournemouth to study Visual Effects." Follow in the footsteps of success at Epping St John's Sixth Form Open Evening on Wednesday 20th November, 6:00pm - 8:00pm. pic.twitter.com/x1dJseRvhj

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We are looking forward to meeting prospective students, parents and carers at our Sixth Form Open Evening later today! From 6:00pm - 8:00pm. pic.twitter.com/m5TkSDdopv

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"After completing my A-Levels at Epping St John's Sixth Form, I went on to study History of Art and German at the University of York." Follow in the footsteps of success at Epping St John's Sixth Form Open Evening on Wednesday 20th November, 6:00pm - 8:00pm. pic.twitter.com/iMbeqTagXq

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Outstanding Education

Supporting primary and secondary schools across Essex and North & East London, BMAT is a growing multi-academy trust with a singular vision: schools, teachers and pupils freed to succeed.

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Lead Staff Member:

Viv Madden Careers Lead




Introduction - This policy statement sets out the school’s arrangements for managing the access of providers to pupils at the school for the purposes of giving them information about the provider’s education or training offer. This complies with the school’s legal obligations under Section 42B of the Education Act 1997.

Rationale- High quality careers education and guidance in schools is critical to young people’s futures. It helps prepare them for the workplace by providing a clear understanding of the world of work including the routes to different jobs and careers. It supports them to acquire the self-development and career skills they need to achieve positive employment destinations. This helps students to choose pathways, improve their life opportunities and contribute to a productive and successful economy. As the number of apprenticeships rises, it becomes increasingly important that all young people understand all the options available to them post-16 and post-18 including wider technical education options such as T-Levels and Higher Technical Qualifications.


ESJ is committed to ensuring there is an opportunity for a range of education and training providers to access students, for the purpose of informing them about approved technical education qualifications and apprenticeships.  ESJ is fully aware of the responsibility to set students on the path that will enable them to progress in education and work and give employers the highly skilled people they need. That means acting impartially, in line with the statutory duty, and not showing bias towards any route, be that academic or technical.

 ESJ endeavours to ensure that all students are aware of all routes to higher skills and are able to access information on technical options and apprenticeships (The Department of Education, July 2021: “Baker Clause”: supporting students to understand the full range of education and training options, and the Provider Access Legislation, January 2023).


ESJ policy for Access to other education and training providers has the following aims:

To develop the knowledge and awareness of our students to all career pathways available to them, including technical qualifications and apprenticeships.

To support young people to be able to learn more about opportunities for education and training outside of school before making crucial choices about their future options.

To reduce drop out from courses and avoid the risk of students becoming NEET (Young people not in education, employment or training).

Student entitlement

Students in years 8-13 are entitled:

  • To find out about technical education qualifications and apprenticeships opportunities, as part of a careers programme which provides information on the full range of education and training options available at each transition point.
  • To hear from a range of local providers about the opportunities they offer, including technical education and apprenticeships.
  • To understand how to make applications for the full range of academic and technical courses.
  • The school will comply with the new legal requirement to put on at least six encounters with providers of approved technical education qualifications or apprenticeships through assemblies, National Apprenticeship Week and National Careers Week and taster events, in addition to providers attending careers events at school.
  • Two encounters for pupils during the KS3 (year 8 or 9)
  • Two encounters for pupils during KS4 (year 10 or 11)
  • Two encounters for pupils during KS5 (year 12 or 13)  


This policy has been developed and is reviewed annually by the Careers Leader and Line Manager based on current good practice guidelines by the Department for Education.

Links with other policies

It supports and is underpinned by key school policies including those for Careers, Child Protection, Equality and Diversity, and SEND.

Equality and Diversity

Access to other providers is available and promoted to allow all students to access information about other providers of further education and apprenticeships. ESJ is committed to encouraging all students to make decisions about their future based on impartial information.


Provider Access Legislation


Management of Provider Access Requests


A provider wishing to request access should contact Viv Madden Careers Leader,

Telephone:01992573028; Email: maddenv@bmatesj.org.uk

Grounds for granting requests for access

Access will be given for providers to attend during school assemblies, timetabled Careers or specific curriculum careers events, that ESJ is arranging. Students may also travel to visit another provider as part of a trip organised by the school.

Please speak to our named Careers Leader to identify the most suitable opportunity for you.

Live/Virtual encounters

ESJ will consider live online encounters with providers where requested, and these may be broadcast into classrooms or the school assembly hall. Technology checks in advance will be required to ensure compatibility of systems.

The school policies on Safeguarding, Child protection, Data Protection and Visitor Policy. sets out the school’s approach to allowing providers into school as visitors to talk to our students.

Premises and Facilities

The school will make the main hall, classrooms or private meeting rooms available for discussions between the provider and students, as appropriate to the activity. The school will also make available AV and other specialist equipment to support provider presentations.

Approval and review

Approved by Headteacher - Mike Yerosimou in May 2023.

Labour Market information for all stakeholders

Explore LMI data – LMI For All


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