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We are looking forward to welcoming Year 9 parents/carers and students into school on Thursday @ 6pm to discuss the OPTIONS process and for students to learn more about the brilliant curriculum choices available to them. pic.twitter.com/Uuv8iamFyR

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50 student turnout to our lunchtime session today! So proud of every single one for their motivation to turn up and do well! Year 11s - there is still space if you want to join! pic.twitter.com/43Wppsxd3a

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👀look out for our Quiz night letter👀 pic.twitter.com/sv9RFyysnE

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Year 11 & 13 students and parents were fortunate enough to participate in a 'psychology of learning' workshop, delivered by Dr van der Spoel, to maximise revision ahead of exams. Year 12 students also inspired Year 11s with a brilliant revision strategy market. pic.twitter.com/vMqf5kI45x

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It may be Baltic cold outside, but how beautiful is our school site this morning!? pic.twitter.com/zw5fsQDSQK


A very Merry Christmas from everybody at Epping St. John's 💚🎄🎅 pic.twitter.com/HloCVtKdOJ

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Another fantastic Christmas bazaar in aid of over £760.00 raised by our student leadership team in year 13 and 11. They are just a credit to pic.twitter.com/6S7sketX9B

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A wonderful afternoon celebrating our exceptional students. Lots of proud parents/carers 💚🏆 pic.twitter.com/YPl9tsjUi2

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Amazing musical interlude at our very lovely Awards Afternoon 💚 pic.twitter.com/LQeo3R9RWH

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Sparx Science is now live at ! After just one day.. pic.twitter.com/DbZI6ycWGv

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REMINDER: There is still time to apply for a place at Epping St John's Sixth Form. Begin your path to an exceptional future - https://t.co/JmoVAZEfvX pic.twitter.com/goIh3qsaBP


Applications can now be submitted for Epping St John's School's Sixth Form for next September. More details at https://t.co/91S3QVSkpp


EPPING ST JOHN'S SCHOOL - MEDIA RELEASE: Applications can now be submitted for Epping St John's School's Sixth Form for next September. More details at https://t.co/NErxyTbG1x


Students at Epping St John's School will be taking to the stage for two performances of their winter production. Read more at https://t.co/4Y3acze7TJ

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We are delighted to invite you to the ESJ Winter Show, a re-visitation of the popular brothers Grimm' s fairy tales, "Epping Forest Fables" co-written and directed by our students! Tuesday 17th December 5pm and 7pm showings Tickets on ParentPay pic.twitter.com/w8mVV1cIqD

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"When I left Epping St John's, I enrolled at UCFB Wembley, where I have been studying Football Coaching and Management." Follow in the footsteps of success at Epping St John's Sixth Form Open Evening on Wednesday 20th November, 6:00pm - 8:00pm. pic.twitter.com/wPlt6XDXGI

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"Since [leaving] ESJ, I was lucky enough to get into Arts University Bournemouth to study Visual Effects." Follow in the footsteps of success at Epping St John's Sixth Form Open Evening on Wednesday 20th November, 6:00pm - 8:00pm. pic.twitter.com/xxA0kyMqn6

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"Since [leaving] ESJ, I was lucky enough to get into Arts University Bournemouth to study Visual Effects." Follow in the footsteps of success at Epping St John's Sixth Form Open Evening on Wednesday 20th November, 6:00pm - 8:00pm. pic.twitter.com/x1dJseRvhj

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We are looking forward to meeting prospective students, parents and carers at our Sixth Form Open Evening later today! From 6:00pm - 8:00pm. pic.twitter.com/m5TkSDdopv

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"After completing my A-Levels at Epping St John's Sixth Form, I went on to study History of Art and German at the University of York." Follow in the footsteps of success at Epping St John's Sixth Form Open Evening on Wednesday 20th November, 6:00pm - 8:00pm. pic.twitter.com/iMbeqTagXq

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Biology A-Level

What is Biology all about?

Biology is the study of living organisms. At A Level we consider life from the molecular level right through to interactions between organisms and with their surroundings. The new A Level also includes cutting edge genetic developments.

First Year Course Content

In year one of Biology A Level we study many of the fundamental concepts needed to access the rest of the A Level course and to form a firm basis for further study in this field. The following 4 topics will be covered in year one -

  • Biological molecules
  • Cells
  • Organisms exchanging substances with their environment
  • Genetic information, variation and relationships between organisms

Second Year Course Content

Year two in A Level Biology expands on some of the topics covered in year one and helps students to further develop their practical skills through the practical
endorsement process. The following 4 topics are covered in year two -

  • Energy transfers in and between organisms
  • Organisms responding to changes in their internal and external environments
  • Genetics, populations, evolution and ecosystems
  • The control of gene expression

Practical Endorsement

Throughout both years students will carry out 12 ‘required practicals’.  Exam papers will test students' knowledge and understanding of their practical work. Students will be awarded an A Level grade based on their exams, and a 'pass' or 'fail' for practical work in lessons.

Assessment Criteria

A Level Biology requires 3 exams to be sat in May/June of the second year of study, each lasting 2 hours.  Papers 1 and 2 consist of short answer questions and one longer comprehension or extended response question. Paper 3 includes structured questions and one 25 mark essay question.

Future careers linked to this subject:

Biology A Level specified as a requirement or advantage for 25 different degree courses (and is valued on many more courses as an addition to these). These include Physiotherapy, Optometry, Biomedical Materials, Nursing, Archaeology, Midwifery, Earth Sciences, Geology, Geography,   Medical Science, Speech Therapy, Sports Science, Psychology, Physical Education, Dietetics, Biology, Veterinary Science, Medicine, Pharmacy, Biochemistry, and Dentistry.

Examination Board


Teacher to Contact:

Mrs. S. Ahmed


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